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Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal

JGS-Montreal News

This page shows recent and upcoming events, including meetings, workshops, and changes to the website of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal.

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Date Category Description
2024-Jul-07 Research Temple Emanu-El/Beth Sholom cemetery update
We are pleased to report that JOWBR, JewishGen.org's burial database, has been updated. JGS-Montreal.org is well-represented, with updates to Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Duvernay, Laval, and a "new" cemetery, the Temple Emanu-El/Beth Sholom section in Mount Royal Cemetery in Outremont. Although these JOWBR updates are data-only, with no new pictures, photographs can be viewed from JOWBR via the "more information" links in JOWBR detailed records. Thanks to Jennifer Wiebe for her help with photographing Temple graves.

The two Temple sections in Beaconsfield have been photographed and can be searched and viewed from our Eternal Gardens home page, from which you can access our Mount Pleasant home page, and our Mount Royal home page.

The Temple Emanu-El/Beth Sholom section (D3) has burials dating back to 1878, and contains most of the Jewish burials in Mount Royal Cemetery (MRC). Right in the middle of section D3 is section E2, with very old non-Jewish burials. MRC has Jewish burials in other sections (e.g., Mordecai Richler in the Rose Hill section). It was complicated to represent this in the submission to JOWBR, and there might be some inconsistencies that may not be fixed until the year-end JOWBR update. Please keep that in mind if you see Mordecai Richler in Temple Emanu-El/Beth Sholom.

2023-Dec-13 Meeting Tackle Your Photos Today! (Maureen Taylor) Maureen Taylor is a frequent keynote speaker on photo identification and preservation as well as on family history at genealogical and historical societies, museums, conferences, libraries, and other organizations across the United States, England, and Canada. She is the author of several books and hundreds of articles, has appeared on television shows, and was featured in many publications. Recently, Maureen was a spokesperson for MyHeritage.com. She has written guidebooks, scholarly articles, and online columns for the Smithonian.com. Maureen is also a contributing editor to Family Tree Magazine.

A gift of a box or more of photographs can be seen as such an overwhelming task that it is easier to leave them for the next generation. The problem is that the next generation does not always know what to do with them either, so the images get thrown out. This presentation gives you tips to solving the problem.

Maureen Taylor is on a mission to give you the skills to tackle those images. Before you can say "prevent picture puzzles," you will be on your way to identifying, preserving, and organizing your photos. Photo preservation used to be complicated and expensive, but that is no longer the case.

A joint presentation of the Jewish Genealogical Societies of Toronto and Montreal. A special members-only event. A link will be sent to all members of both Societies prior to the meeting. No pre-registration required.

2023-Dec-06 Research Gary Perlman: Tracing Your Roots
Gary Perlman gave a presentation on "Tracing Your Roots" to the Chevra Sisterhood, Wednesday, December 6, 2023, from 2-4pm. He discussed what is needed to start research and make extensive use of the JGS-Montreal Genealogy Dashboard to research a member of the audience. The free presentation was on Zoom-only; registration was required.

Slides (PDF) - Slides (PowerPoint) - Video recording (Zoom)

2023-Jul-19 Research Shaar Hashomayim Cemetery Photographed and Indexed
The Shaar Hashomayim Cemetery has been photographed and indexed by Gary Perlman and Jennifer Wiebe. The data and photos will be submitted to the JewishGen.org JOWBR database for their end-of-year update, but in the meantime, visit our Shaar Hashomayim home page, which has a simple search capability for all records and photos.
2023-May-31 Research Spanish & Portuguese Cemetery Update

In 2014, Merle Kastner submitted 1393 burial records with photos of the Spanish and Portuguese cemetery on Mount Royal to JewishGen.org's JOWBR database. That data has been updated and enhanced and added to the JGS-Montreal.org cemetery pages.

Thanks to the S&P cemetery, almost 200 new records have been added, and those and photos were just submitted to JOWBR at JewishGen.org.

Records in the S&P include some of the oldest Jewish families in Canada, including about 50 from each of the Joseph and Hart families. The records include 7 born before 1800, and 8 centenarians born in the 1800s. Ten burials have profiles in the 1965 Who's Who in Canadian Jewry (search).

2023-Apr-11 Research JGS-Montreal member Gary Perlman interviewed
Ellin Bessner interviews Gary Perlman about his work documenting Montreal's Jewish cemeteries.
2023-Jan-15 Workshop Monthly Sunday Morning Family Tree Workshop
Our next Family Tree Workshop, hosted by genealogy guru Stanley Diamond, will be held on Sunday, January 15 from 10 am to noon.

The workshop will feature another Tool Time mini-lesson, with our IAJGS award-winning webmaster Gary Perlman, this time demonstrating how to use the Quebec Civil Registry's Jewish records 1841-1918.

The Zoom workshop, where you can ask your own questions, will be limited to 25 people The Zoom link and other details regarding live participation will be sent exclusively to our Workshop Email List. To subscribe, write to workshop@jgs-montreal.org. (No need to re-subscribe if you are already on the list)

Note: We make our workshops available to members and non-members alike. If you find them useful, please consider becoming a member of JGS-Montreal to help us continue our work.

2023-Jan-08 Meeting In Conversation with Menachem Kaiser (Menachem Kaiser) award-winning author of Plunder: A Memoir of Family Property and Nazi Treasure. Please note early time for this member-only event: 1:30 PM
Menachem Kaiser's debut memoir, Plunder, won the 2022 Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature and was named a New York Times' Critics Best Book of the Year. It describes the author's quest to reclaim his family's apartment building in Poland - and the astonishing entanglement with Nazi treasure hunters that followed.

A joint presentation of the Jewish Genealogical Societies of Philadelphia and Montreal. A special members-only event, via Zoom (details to follow via email to members).